
Task 1
1) Compose two test vectors for a given short defect in a given circuit: one for wired-AND fault model and one for Wired-OR.
2) Apply an exhaustive test to the corresponding defective circuit and obtain the truth table. Fill in the Karnaugh map.
3) Find all test vectors for the given defect. Use Karnaugh maps of the original function and the defective one.
4) Using the previous results, check which one of your vectors detects the defect.
5) Which fault model Wired-AND or Wired-OR does better describe the defect behavior model?

Task 2
1) Manually find all possible test vectors for a given short between circuit’s input and output using Victim-Aggressor fault model. Consider both cases:
a) when output is aggressor and input is victim
b) when input is aggressor and output is victim
2) Apply an exhaustive test to the corresponding defective circuit and obtain the defect table.
3) Compare your test vectors with the corresponding column from the defect table.
4) Make conclusion about real victim and aggressor.

Task 3
1) Generate minimal-length stuck-at fault (SAF) test for a given circuit.
2) Apply this test to all SAFs of the circuit and check if they are covered. If not, correct the test and apply again.
3) Apply the same test to all defects in given circuit and check if they are covered.
4) For undetected defects, find appropriate test patterns using transistor-level schematic.
5) Check using DefSim, if your final test set is complete.

Task 4
1) Obtain the defect table for a given circuit.
2) Apply the exhaustive test to a given unknown defect and obtain detecting information.
3) Analyze the data in order to localize the unknown defect.

Task 5
1) Identify all shorts in c17 that are capable to convert this combinational circuit into a sequential one.
2) Find test vectors for one of such shorts.


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